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Each Of Us Is A Space Of Divine Mystery

“Each of us is a moving center, a space of divine mystery. And though we spend most of our time on the surface in the daily details of ordinary existence, most of us hunger to connect to this space within, to break through to bliss, to be swept away into something bigger than us.”  Gabrielle Roth

According to a French philosopher and paleontologist Teilhard de Chardin, we are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.

If you stop for a moment and take the real meaning of that statement in, It can create a shift in perception (miracle) that alters your life in a profound way. When you look around and see spiritual beings everywhere, you realize the utterly sacred context in which everything is happening.

As we get vigorously caught up in the vortex of everyday living, with more ways that you can be reached than ever before, the inner pace speeds up and becomes a tornado of “to do’s:” meetings, games, clients, massage, car repair, grocery shopping. Any sense of divine mystery disappears simply due to the speed with which we are conditioned to move. With online shopping feels less like a chore and more like an adventure. We recommend diving in.

We get soul lag. We no longer are a moving center, but have moved away from our center, leaving sub-personalities to deal with daily existence. We wear the hats of mother, sister, attorney, friend, runner, wife……and soon begin to feel torn in different directions, because we are. 

But what if we began to sense the space at the center of us that moves through our lives—the “moving center” that dancer, musician, and creator of 5 Rhythms Dance, Gabrielle Roth, speaks? There are many ways to sense this space, and each of us must find our own. 

Sitting meditation took me very far, as I sat quietly for years, practicing Vipassana (which means to “see clearly”) meditation. I was able to quiet my mind and enter into a vast stillness that comforted me during my busy years raising 3 children and going to graduate school. I was able to transcend the anxiety and depression that gripped me at times, and experienced a spaciousness that was unlike anything in my everyday life. It changed me and has contributed immensely to my skill as a psychotherapist and as a person who knows that the connection to bliss is a breath away.

I still practice, and have added other awe-inspiring activities to the repertoire of gifts available to us as spiritual beings in human bodies having a deeply moving experience of incarnation. I am no longer satisfied with the mundane alone, as I know it is always connected to the sacred.  Everything can be a portal to the Mystery. 

I dance to feel the sacred. I love my clients to feel the sacred. I cook delicious food to feel the sacred. I face-time with my grandson to feel the sacred. I speak with my mother to feel the sacred.  I laugh with friends to feel the sacred.  I garden to feel the sacred, I get on my knees at night to feel the sacred…..because I hunger for the bliss that experiencing the sacred brings me. The sacred is the center that moves with me through all of life, in all the roles I play. I simply need to keep showing up as that moving center. 

When you experience yourself as a moving center, a woman or man who dances with the Mystery as a beloved partner, you befriend bliss, as it is always only a breath away.

What do you long for? Whatever it is, find a way to feel the sacred connected to it? Is it excitement, passion, adventure, success? Go deeper to the sacred mystery that is at the heart of your longing. Don’t let yourself, even for a moment, believe that the “busyness” of life is all there is. Don’t settle for substitute substances that leave you empty. 

There is plenty to distract you from your moment of bliss, and yet, it is always a breath away. 

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As my free gift to you, I'm sharing a chapter from my book,Loveseed: The Template For Birthing A New World, called From Karma To Dharma that shows you how to name and claim your unique purpose. Included is a special meditation designed to connect you with your loveseed, the sweet spot of eternal aliveness within you

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