Site icon Kathleen Hanagan


Ongoing Groups


“A circle of women may just be the most powerful force known to humanity. If you have one, embrace it. If you need one, seek it. If you find one, for the love of all that is good and holy, dive in. You will be changed. The very fabric of your being will be altered by this, if you allow it.”
― Jeanette LeBlanc

The challenges we face in today's world, will not be solved by the government or the systems available at this time. The solutions to these challenges have their roots in the way we connect at the deepest level, at the place where women know best. When women come together for a higher cause, miracles can and do happen.

A deep longing to be known for who we truly are begins to be met. Truly powerful magic begins to happen, and participants begin to discover:

  •  The vortex of life force energy that is created when women come together.
  • The door-opening effect of this vortex, which allows each woman to go deeper into parts of herself to uncover her truest, most authentic nature.
  • The mysterious opening of the heart that happens in women’s circle.
  • The sacred witnessing that happens in a conscious women’s circle has the power to transform the greatest challenges that need to be faced, for the women and for the world.

I have had the honor and privilege of taking part in many of Kathleen's women's spiritual circles. It's like nourishment for the soul which keeps me coming back for more. Kathleen has the unique ability to open a space that is not only safe but challenging and transformative.

I would recommend most highly participating in her life-changing work, where women get to support and love one another. Kathleen is an amazing sounding board for a woman who wants to live in her full power. You will always be thankful you took that opportunity.


This 6-month course has been created to meet the need of awakening women who know they are called to a greater purpose and more joy. Purpose and joy come hand in hand, as you embrace this path of conscious transformation.

You will laugh, cry, and celebrate sisterhood in a way you never imagined possible!

If every woman was part of a women’s circle vibrating love, the world would move in the direction of Paradise.

Who is this group for? It is for you if…

  • You struggle with the voice of the inner critic and feelings of unworthiness, even if you know that isn’t true.
  • You know deep in your bones that you were born for these times, but you aren’t sure what you have to offer.
  • You are a mother who wants to raise conscious, heart-centered children, yet you face a culture of entitlement and emptiness.
  • You desire to grow spiritually, but the busyness of the day-to-day keeps you stuck in a rut.
  • You are lonely and want a tribe of like-minded women where you can be real.

This series of circles will run for 6 months:

Where: 2941 S. Columbus St.  B-2, Arlington VA. OR virtually until we can meet in person. (using Zoom) 

When:   April 28, May 26, June 23, July 28, August 25, Sept. 22   7-9:15 PM   

Cost:  $500 for all 6 sessions

***Your agreement to attend this group is an agreement to attend and pay for all sessions. The reason for this is to emphasize the commitment that is required to do this work in a world where the attention of most people is scattered to the winds.


I joined Kathleen’s group almost two years ago. Her gentle, yet honest mentorship and guidance has cultivated a circle of sisterhood and womanhood that has lifted me up and supported me when I needed it, but also helped me see and own my strength and power. I am so grateful for this group and the lasting friendships that have come out of it. It is a group filled with love, power, curiosity, openness, and acceptance. The work we do in group is challenging at times, but always honest and enlightening.


I am a recent addition to Kathleen's group and it has already made a tremendous impact on my life. I find myself moving toward greater strength and wisdom, recognizing when I unwittingly give my power and my gifts away without regard for their value.

I am more intentional with my time, my energy and my generosity. I don't squander who I am on trivial and damaging endeavors or people. I am opened up to a greater good and better see and hear how I am part of the universe. I am also learning how to forgive my missteps and allow myself to receive the grace that I so willingly give to others.

Kathleen leads our group with her heart and soul, authentically giving of her time and talent to help us all better recognize our own.


The women's group has been a very safe and gentle place to grow, model, learn, and feel myself being the person I want to be most. What a gift it has been. I look forward to spending time with these women and feel so honored and humbled that they are in my life!

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