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Embodied Love Breathwork and a Sacred Cacao Ceremony

Join Kathleen Hanagan and Lisa Povolni on

Saturday, February 13 for

Embodied Love Breathwork  


a Sacred Cacao Ceremony

It is not revolutions and upheavals that clear the road to better days,
but revelations, and lavishness of someone’s soul inspired, and ablaze.

~ Boris Pasternak

We live in epic times. Spiritually, this is great news, because when we live in extraordinary times where old systems break down, there is also a deep cry for transformation that stirs in the hearts and souls of many human beings.

If you have felt an urge to reshape your world, this powerful work-shop and practice will support you in bringing your vision to life.

Embodied Love Breathwork (ELB) reconnects you at the deepest level with your own Soul and Inner Healer.

Breathwork is an active meditation healing technique that has been used to expand human consciousness for thousands of years. It allows us to bypass the noise of our minds and gain access to our inner wisdom – the soul plane.

ELB is highly experiential and totally unique to each person. You may find yourself connecting to biographical, archetypal, transpersonal and even galactic realms. When experienced in a group setting, a deep bond is formed among participants.

As your inner wisdom is activated through breath and music, you will be guided to:

  • transform and release the energies of the past.
  • regain lost parts and remember the magic inside you.
  • connect with the true source of your power, your own personal medicine.
  • restore balance to your body/mind/spirit.
  • experience a sense of community at the heart and soul level.

The Breathwork will be followed by an Embodied Art Process, where symbols from the breathing emerge to impart their wisdom and a Sacred Cacao Ceremony.

Cacao ceremonies have been used in many cultures for spiritual, medicinal and ceremonial purposes for inner awakening and creative guidance.

Gathering together to drink cacao creates another depth of healing, connection and inspiration, and helps to ground us and rebalance our energies.
There is a great momentum available to us NOW to connect to our heart’s deepest desires and co-create what we truly want in our lives and in our world.

Come join us for a day of igniting that fire.

What a transformative experience! Within minutes of the breathing practice, I found myself deep in the realms of the subconscious and was able to access essence beyond thought, time and space. I highly recommend this ceremony to those who seek to live their higher purpose!.


The breathwork was unique for each of us. The group setting created a community feel of added support. This combination of individual enlightenment amidst a caring community was quite beautiful. The setting makes a difference!


Words cannot do justice to my experience participating in a breathwork ceremony held by Kathleen and Lisa.
It was a profound experience that allowed me to deeply connect with my subconscious, my inner child, my ancestors and my birth. The work provided tremendous relief of held trauma, deep rooted fears and also physical pain. I cannot recommend this work enough.

I am so grateful to have been held in such a sacred and safe space during the breakwork ceremony with Kathleen and Lisa. My experience provided a profound shift in my consciousness, which allowed me to connect in spiritual realms that I have not yet explored. I was gifted a deep sense of calm, awareness, and energetic healing that I now carry with me everyday. It is as if my DNA was upgraded and any former stagnation was purged from my body and mind. I never knew breathwork could be so powerful!

Date: Saturday, February 13

Time: 1PM to approximately 7PM

Price: $123

Location: 2941 S Columbus St, Arlington, VA  22206

COVID 19 precautions:We understand that there may be concern about meeting at this time. Our individual and collective health is of the utmost importance. As we enter into a ceremonial healing process, we ask each participant to approach the ceremony date mindfully, by considering the health of the collective and taking all precautions necessary to limit individual exposure. We will ask every participant to complete a screening questionnaire, and we will have each participant complete a rapid test before entering the space—which we will provide. We will also check temperatures upon arrival. The workshop space has an air filter and plenty of disinfectant. We are limiting this workshop to 10 participants


About Kathleen:

Kathleen has spent the last 30 years devoted to the psychospiritual awakening of thousands. Her own quest for a more conscious life has taken her around the world and back again, only to find the answers in her own heart.
Breathwork with Stan Grof 35 years ago enlightened her to the power of the breath, and it's capacity to connect us to the Inner Healer. Her wisdom, compassion and warm presence are the potent medicine she delivers with passion and joy.


About Lisa:

Lisa is passionate about connecting people to their own inner wisdom, creating space for deep healing work, and making our future visions a reality. She is a leadership coach and facilitator who has spent the majority of her career living and working in Latin American and Asia. Her own journey of healing introduced her to the transformative power of breathwork, dance, art, and other embodiment practices. A life-long explorer of spiritual wisdom and traditions, she brings deep compassion and intuition to support each participant in trusting their own inner healer.

Following is a list of some of the most common contraindications for breathwork:

  • Cardiovascular problems
  • High or abnormal blood pressure
  • History of aneurisms
  • Epilepsy or history of seizures
  • Anyone on heavy medication
  • Severe psychiatric symptoms, particularly psychosis or paranoia
  • Bipolar depression
  • Severe osteoporosis
  • Recent surgery
  • Glaucoma
  • Pregnancy
  • An active addiction
  • Any person with mental illness who isn’t in treatment or lacks adequate support
  • Anyone experiencing an emotional or spiritual crisis
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