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True Love

It’s Valentine’s Day, and I thought I would write something about love, but ended up reading something recommended by a client—a blog by Jeff Brown Called “Apologies to the Divine Feminine.”

Jeff wrote this in 2010, as he is an awakening man and he had already tapped into the grief that men feel inside but at times act out in callous indifference or simply denial.  Reading that letter by Jeff changed the course of this blog, and I have decided to send something I wrote a while back called A Letter To The Divine Masculine. 

Why now?  Why not?  Every day I see the ravages of toxic masculinity in my office—in both men and women.  It’s on steroids in our government now, this insidious meme that erodes love.

I try to reassure the men in the couples I work with that there are no sides, and no one is “ganging up” on them, when I suggest that his wife’s grief is over his lack of presence—that more of the real him would be so welcome.  Often he can only hear that he is not good enough, or is to blame for his wife’s anger or sadness.

I wrote this letter from a place of deep compassion for women AND MEN.  If you can read it in the spirit is was written—that it is part of a GREAT LOVE STORY—of the dance of masculine and feminine energies which are manifestations of the Divine’s love for humanity—-you will know why I send it on Valentine’s day. 

A Letter To The Divine Masculine

Dear Divine Masculine

 I am beyond sad at how far apart we have drifted. I don’t see you very often anymore, and lately, I need you more than ever. I miss you and I need you to stand strong and use your logic and your heart together. I know it’s harder for you to make that connection, that on this 3-D planet the heart and mind have been disconnected. We have a mind-driven culture that sees everything through the lens of separation and judgment. I get that. But it’s up to us to change that! We are so much more, so multi-dimensional, and I so miss you working with me to uplift humanity.  

Remember, we have work to do, together. Neither of us can do this alone, and to awaken the force of divinity we need to bring all the energy stuck in our heads back into our hearts, first. All rape, violence, and oppression would cease, and you have the ability to do this. Quite frankly, it’s no longer a choice, but an imperative. I don’t care how hard it is for you to do that, and all excuses fall on deaf ears now. I am impatient and angry, and I feel betrayed.  

I know you are a spiritual, psychological and archetypal ideal, the very most inspiring, elevating and restorative aspects of masculinity. I realize that when a human man embodies you, he is strong beyond belief, protective, and holds the feminine in such high regard that he could never hurt her. He doesn’t need to march in women’s marches or wear t-shirts saying “Women Rock,” because he lives and breathes respect and honor in all his dealings with women, because he embraces his own Divine Feminine. 

Women recognize you, and almost every woman I know right now is missing you. We miss your wisdom, your humor, your tenderness, and your protection and your depth.  We so miss your protection and your depth. It’s gotten so bad that a woman can be raped, get pregnant, and soon, if you don’t show up now, these very women will not be allowed to get an abortion, even under those circumstances. Where in God’s name are you?

When you are not present, men cannot tolerate our anger, our hurt. They shut it down, or deny any reasonable cause for it.  Oh, Divine Masculine, I am heart-broken at our separation, and it’s really pissing me and a lot of women off!  

Call me an idealist, but I am hopeful, because the Divine Feminine is showing up everywhere now, and those who don’t embody you are running scared in their illogical solidarity. Where do you think you can hide any longer?  

The Divine Feminine doesn’t form clubs and societies—she moves in BIG SWEEPING WAVES like the ocean. You know that about us. We can be so fierce, so relentless, and with you—with your strength and focus and wisdom— we can co-create an entirely new world at peace with its self. 

I am calling you out Divine Masculine. I know you are there under the conditioning and toxic masculinity that pretends to be something it is not. I call you to step forth now—break through—feel the inconsolable grief of women and let your heart break open now. Your lovers, sisters, mothers, daughters, friends—your very own feminine self—all carry a pain that only you can lift. 

Meanwhile, we are finding you inside ourselves. We are feeling an energy inside and among ourselves that we remember. Back when we were working together, that energy of wholeness and connection was so beautiful and powerful at the same time. We are calling it up—and we know you see it. We are holding up a mirror to you so that you can remember who you are.  

It’s time.  Now.  Remember who you are.  

With abiding love and respect, 

Divine Feminine 

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