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Be Bold In Your Love

“The time has come for all of us to learn how to walk the razor’s edge and to suspend what we have been certain about, so that we can open to the Mystery.”  Kathleen Hanagan

The great turning point

This is a great turning point—the vibrational shifting of the ages where we transcend death and destruction and learn how to be bold in our love. 

I have been talking about a New World based on kindness and truth for a long time, and we have arrived.  There has certainly been a great leaning toward more kindness, as humanity realizes its essential ONENESS during this chaotic time. 

And yet, still not enough truth.  I was going to wait to write this once I had a greater understanding about what is actually happening.  But when I tune into my inner knowing, I see what is happening very clearly.  This collective crisis is the inevitable and excruciatingly painful part of humanity’s evolution into 5D consciousness. 

We are in the birth canal right now, and we must remember that this is not a game of survival but of arrival? This chaos is opening the gates to a new 5D future.  Each of us must listen deeply to our own inner guidance at this time. 

Developing 5D consciousness

Many believe that 5D consciousness involves mastering every thought, emotion, and action, in every moment.  Rather than perfection, I believe that it involves a commitment to discover the negative, habitual thought and emotional patterns we’ve unconsciously learned over the years.  It’s about being honest with ourselves without any judgment about we find, and without falling into shame, guilt or blame.   

It requires awareness and devotion to truth.  What is going on now is giving us ,as a world family, an opportunity to become more aware than ever of our true motives and our true heart.  We have this great pause now to re-evaluate the unsustainable way of life driven by the military industrial complex.

5D consciousness is choosing optimism, trust, compassion, joy and gratitude, no matter what is happening in the environment.  There has never been a better time to be up to that task. 

We are a collective light family

It’s time for all of us to realize that we are not simply human, but also a collective light family.  The very cells of our bodies are mostly light.  We came to walk the earth in beauty and harmony, not in destruction and greed. 

This pandemic has our attention, and yet, the virus is secondary to the fear that allows us to be controlled by our own lower nature, as well as by others. 

The truth is that our infinite light body is the best immunity.  Love will provide radical resiliency, and turn our sacrifices into sacred actions. It is now that we must be bold in our love.

The more people reach for what is noble and kind in themselves, the better off all of us will be.  Each of us must be greater than what is happening.

The Lakota phrase “Mitakuye Oyasin,” which means “all my relations” is a worldview of interconnectedness and oneness that is essential during these times. 

Trance-ending fear

Don’t get me wrong, it is not that I am not afraid.  I would be dissociating if that were the case.  But I know that fear creates an inner stress and lowers my energy field, putting me into survival.

Stress makes people cranky, greedy, self-centered and generally unkind, and causes us to separate from possibility.  We each need to do what we can to share precious moments with those we care for and love, to off-set the existential angst that this pandemic has presented.

We will each inevitably be triggered at some point.  We are re-associating to feelings in our bodies that have been suppressed and repressed.  This is not a time to dissociate, but to feel it all and trance-end. 

If we all remained in fear it would collapse the possibility of this pandemic and all that happens because of it being a wake-up call for humanity.

Instead, when I feel it, I recognize the fear as fear and let it pass on through.  I drop inside to the place that is beyond fear—into the zero point field of my heart— and I trance-end the fear by becoming fully present.

This allows me to end the trance (trance-end) that comes from the belief that this should not be happening.  It is.  Something huge is happening, and we have a say in the future we co-create. 

The fear is based on the past and about what we imagine could happen in the future, but it is not the future we want to create. As we tap into love and hope, and remain in the present moment, we will find what we need to get through all of this.

At this time, it is not about transforming the fear—– that is the work of 3D and 4D.  It’s no longer about transformation, but about trance-endance.  As we do this we are more selfless, compassionate, innovative, and non-hierarchical in our solutions. We step into 5D where there is enough for everyone.

If we can trance-end, we do not need to experience this as trauma.  If we dissociate, we cannot be present in our full aliveness and we can easily slip into the trance of our past conditioning.  It is this past fear and pain that we don’t want to carry into the future.

What is our collective vision?

What new electromagnetic signature do we want to broadcast into the quantum field, which is the field of infinite possibility? What is the collective vision that this light family can broadcast into that field?

Now is a good time to go beyond the ego and the body and circumstances and to imagine a new and bright and beautiful future for our own lives and planet earth and the 7.8 billion humans that are her children. 

Each of us must make choices that are equal to the vision we have for our own future, and that of the world.  Generosity and kindness broadcast light into the field.

Abraham, a well-known teacher of the Law of Attractions, says,

“The Universe does not know if the vibration you are offering is because of what you are imagining, or because of what you are observing. In either case, it is responding. Where emotion comes in is that emotion is your guidance or your response to your vibration. Your emotion does not create. Emotion is your indicator of what you are already creating. As you think, you vibrate. And it is your vibrational offering that equals your point of attraction. So it’s always a match. What you are thinking and what is coming back to you is always a vibrational match. The emotion (your Guidance System) is telling you what’s coming.” 

Our thoughts send into the quantum field and our feelings draw what is in the field back to us.  When we elevate our emotions to love, humor, joy, gratitude, compassion, and peace, a great wind fills the sails of our vision.  We must do this no matter what is coming back to us.   

When I remember that the purity of my own heart is enough to make a difference in the field, I am motivated to what I can to lift myself up and be available to lift others.

The creation beyond survival

I heard someone say we must allow the song of our ancestors to be sung through us in waves of love and light.  That is such a powerful image, because this is a time to call on those who have gone before to remind us that we are not in survival, but evolving—creating something new. 

Layers of collective and personal trauma have been activated by this pandemic. We must honor our fear, while at the same time tapping into the resilience that has been transmitted from our ancestors who have already survived planetary crisis. 

We don’t need permission at this time to be all we truly are and to show the way to those who are frozen in fear. We can choose to raise our awareness, find a new vision, collaborate with others and fully embody our potential, in spite of the virus, economic collapse, or anything else that comes. 

We have been created in the image and likeness of the Divine.  We are creators.  This cannot hurt our Divine Nature, and it is our Divine Nature that will allow us to move through all of this with the greatest amount of grace. 

This is the perfect time to live with a spirit of expectation that invites the Mystery to unfold into that which has never been before.  We have a hand in creating that future. 

I know who I am. 
I know what I am.
I know how I serve.
I am love.
I am love.
I am bold in my love.

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As my free gift to you, I'm sharing a chapter from my book,Loveseed: The Template For Birthing A New World, called From Karma To Dharma that shows you how to name and claim your unique purpose. Included is a special meditation designed to connect you with your loveseed, the sweet spot of eternal aliveness within you

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