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In Case Of Fear, Bring On The Love

“Love is what we are born with. Fear is what we learn.  The spiritual journey is the unlearning of fear and prejudices and the acceptance of love back in our hearts.  Love is the essential reality and our purpose on earth.”  ~Marianne Williamson

We are being affected by the chaos

These are challenging times, even if you are doing your best to not be affected by the chaos in the world.  It’s in the air—the heaviness, the tentativeness of almost everything.  I know that people are suffering from so much anxiety and depression that verges on despair and resignation at times, because I sit with them every day, sometimes holding back tears, and sometimes letting them drop, because i feel it too.   It's as if all innocence has been lost for the children, for this country, whose leaders lack courage and have turned their backs on truth and goodness. 

Humanity is struggling with the multiple levels of chaos and change that are happening all at once.  We, with our limbic systems that require rhythm and connection, our soft bellies and our tender hearts that cry out for what is real. Humankind is quickly becoming desensitized and adapting to the great deficit in nurturance that afflicts us all.

Many are afraid of what is happening, and predictions of humanity’s end abound, including the fear of artificial intelligence becoming more powerful than human beings, or the very real scientifically verified reality that our environment is on the bring of disaster.  Maybe the thought of humanity’s end is disturbing to you and you prefer to believe that love will win out, that the light will overcome the darkness. I still prefer to believe that as well, just as I would hope against hope that if someone I love had an illness, there would be something that could be done, while at the same time I would be fully cognizant of the odds and implications.

That is why I wrote my book, Loveseed: The Template For Birthing A New World. I know what has helped me through the darkest of personal times, and it’s no different than what can help us all find our way to a world where our children and grandchildren are safe again. 

The key is connecting to what I call your loveseed, that indestructible and infinite dimension within you—each of you—-that is connected to Source, and contains the power to move mountains.

Disconnecting from your loveseed

The suffering arises when we are disconnected from this aspect of who we truly are, which causes us to be afraid.

So why, you might be asking, do we get disconnected? Why does this awesome loveseed get buried so that people have to go hunting it down, like some hidden treasure?  The answer is simply that this part of us does not receive the nutrients to grow and flourish, because our caretakers did not receive enough, as did their parents, and on back and back many generations—–we are all carrying ancestral trauma that has been passed on for eons. Then there is the social trauma we experience from being fat, having a big nose, being trans, or just being who you are that doesn't conform.  We carry the story of “not enoughness” in our own way, and begin to hide who we truly are.  We became afraid, and yet, we are all looking for love, even if we deny it. 

Maybe that is the point…that the ache of losing the connection is so powerful we try almost anything to feel it again. We are given a burning, inner pole star in the darkness to look for.  The problem is, of course, we look in all the wrong places.  Drugs, sex, and rock n’ roll—how many times have we settled for a pale simulation of the bliss of being connected to our loveseed? Worse yet is when a person falls into despair and believes it is too late.

Let’s face it.  Most of us have been willing to replace the connection to our loveseed or essence with all sorts of substitutes over and over, such as some magic bullet to stoke our power that we can take with our morning coffee or with a dazzling relationship that takes us off course and becomes another excuse for not living our purpose, with addictions and illusions of security that turn out to be sand castles of despair.

Yet we still hold out for the sweetness, for the love from the seed. We somehow know it’s the real thing.

How is it that we all know when it is missing, are not sure how to find it, and long for it so deeply, while all the while it is who we are at our core?  If it is our essence, our natural state, then why does it seem so elusive and inaccessible? And when we connect with it, why do we so easily let it slip from our grasp?

Reconnecting with Source

Every fear is a fear of the self inside, including the fears we have about the world.  Those fears present challenges that are what you need to reclaim yourself as Source.  You cannot be the light and hold another person or situation in fear.  Facing your fears changes everything! You eventually come to see them as friends.

Facing your fears re-connects you to your loveseed, which connects you to Source, and secures your innocence for all eternity. You can always return to it, if you let go of what you have constructed to keep you from feeling your fears.  That means you must have the courage to revisit the original pain and heal your anguished heart—which caused you to separate in the first place.   There has never been a better or more important time to do that then now!

Those of you who have always felt a bit weird are ahead of the game.  If you have felt as if you don’t quite fit in, feel disenfranchised for whatever reason, and seem to go against the grain of the culture, consider yourselves blessed.  You are used to facing the fear of not fitting in, and may have as a result developed a sense of power that comes from finding your own way.   Weird comes from the Old English word, wyrd, which means “to follow a path of destiny.”  You are less likely to succumb to Jung’s “nightmare of normalcy,” which seduces you into thinking you have found your loveseed in outer acceptance. 

I once met a woman who made a living as a psychic, and she called herself an “unwashed soul.” In other words, her soul was not cleansed of the memories and knowledge from the realm of light, and she was acutely attuned to the meaning and design of everything.  She confided in me that her childhood was a torture chamber, and she had to become very empathic and psychic to survive.  She saw the deeper reasons behind everything going on around her, and it nearly drove her crazy. All this is to say that a certain amount of amnesia has protected most of us “washed” souls from the too-muchness of life, until now.  Not only do we no longer need this forgetfulness, but in fact, remembering will save us.

Some things you can forget about are perfection and the attempt to gain outer approval.  You are already perfect and were never really wounded in the higher dimensions—that is, in your essence—despite what happened to your human self.  Your attempt to get it right and all your “hustling for worthiness,” as Brene Brown calls it, has taken you off course. When you live with your loveseed buried, it is impossible to have high self-worth.  Sixty-six percent of Americans have low self-esteem. Self-esteem is the perception of one’s self as lovable and capable. When you are hiding your loveseed, even if you don’t know it consciously, it is hard to feel good about yourself.

Love is a huge wide open doorway

It does take time to unlearn your old habits and actually form new neural pathways, so that these old defensive tendencies can fall away.  Love is a doorway—a huge, wide-open doorway—to step into a new level of consciousness and to make big change. There are as many expressions of love as there are snowflakes in winter. Each human being who wakes up in time seeds the higher realms with their light, and we co-create the planet of the possible, whose blueprint is imbedded in your loveseed. The most radical thing you can possibly do is be fully yourself and allow the contents of your loveseed to come forth. No one else could possibly do what you are here to do.

Christopher Fry wrote in the dramatic poem “A Sleep of Prisoners,” in 1951, the year before I was born.”  Poets have been calling for us to wake up for thousands of years!

“Thank God our time is now when wrong comes up to face us everywhere, never to leave us till we take the longest stride of soul men ever took.  Affairs are now soul size.  The enterprise is exploration into God.  Where are you making for? It takes so many thousand years to wake…But will you wake, for pity's sake?”

Indeed, there have been many epic times in the history of our planet Earth.  We have, however, never been evolving at the rate we are now, technologically and in our ability to destroy.  There has never been a need for us to collectively make the conscious shift to express our loveseeds as now.

On the personal level, it has taken all of eternity for you to arrive where you are now.  There has never been a better time to awaken your loveseed, and the most direct way is having the courage to love yourself.

Yes, self-love is the most radical power on this planet, and opens the doorway to all kinds of love that the world desperately needs.

Courage is required to cultivate self-love, because it goes against the grain of guilt and unworthiness that has created so much separation and suffering. The very act of loving yourself raises your energetic vibration, causing you to emit a coherent signal into the chaos.  Heartmath's Global Coherence Initiative is an international effort that seeks to help activate the heart of humanity and promote peace, harmony and a shift in global consciousness.  Their groundbreaking research has proven the interconnection between humanity and Earth’s magnetic fields and energetic systems, and that when we are in heart-mind coherence, we emit a signal that helps everyone.

Self-love is spiritual activism at the grass-roots level!

Below is an exercise that I find so powerful, and do often, to keep the portal open, so I can continue to do the work I do. 


For one week, begin each day looking into the mirror until you deeply connect to your own loveseed, your own innocence.  Recognize this in yourself, remembering who you are. Look deeply into your own eyes until you feel the connection. Smile at yourself.

You can add the powerful practice of Ho'oponopono, which is an ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness, by saying the following words to yourself: “I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you.” Say them several times, with sincerity, to YOU!

This will begin to strengthen your connection to your own loveseed and remind you of your innate worthiness.  I have used it for many years since meeting Dr. Len, who taught me this simple and yet so very powerful prayer.

May we all remember and love the limitless beings we truly are!

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As my free gift to you, I'm sharing a chapter from my book,Loveseed: The Template For Birthing A New World, called From Karma To Dharma that shows you how to name and claim your unique purpose. Included is a special meditation designed to connect you with your loveseed, the sweet spot of eternal aliveness within you

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