“Knowing how you actually want to feel is the most potent form of clarity that you can have. Generating those feelings is the most powerfully creative thing you can do with your life.
And not only do we have to put our feelings at the heart of our ambitions, we have to pursue our desires in a way that is life-affirming, rather than soul-depleting. Rigid goal-chasing is burning us out. Soul-anchored intentions are the way to get home.”
~Danielle LaPorte

The Cosmos and your light bodies have conspired together to bring a supreme initiative of wholeness and oneness back to you. The energies of your Soul ‘s destiny are activated as never before, and will continue to powerfully for the next several days. Now is the time to be clear about what you want, and how you want to feel—-which Danielle support calls a “potent form of clarity.”

Are you clear? Do you know how you want to feel and what you truly desire? Have you shared that with yourself, and someone else? What are you doing about that?


We are energy broadcasters, radiating out our message all the time. When we connect consciously and reverently with our own Soul—-with the essence of who we are—–we touch the Source of all Abundance, of all Wealth. When we anchor our intentions in that very energy field, we become co-creators of our lives.

Where are your intentions anchored?

If you are honest, you will see that they are often anchored in survival or goals, and even tasks, but rarely in your dreams. The ability and choice to shift that is ours, and most people need support for that.

We are trained to set goals, and studies have shown that those who do set goals are far more successful than those who don’t. Yet those goals can either be in the service of our egos, or our souls.

If you feel joy and ease and a sense of enthusiasm and something new emerging all the time, you are following the energies of your Soul. That does not mean that everything goes smoothly, and in fact, some of the greatest challenges arise when we are following our Soul’s guidance.

When we have anchored our intentions in our Soul, and hardship arises, there is greater certainty, and ability to stay the course, than if we are not anchored there. Fear and doubt arise, and as in mediation, they fall away, as the Soul bears witness.

If you feel off course, restless, a joylessness and staleness to your life or work, you have lost (temporarily) conscious connection with your Soul. It happens to all of us at times, and we call them “dark nights of the soul,” because we are not living in the light of the Soul at those times. Something obscures that light, since the light is always there. Old emotions of fear, anger and grief that have not been released can get in the way. Old beliefs that no longer support who we are build barriers to the light.

We have so many ways now to release those old and unneeded emotions and beliefs, yet it remains a choice. Even now, during this time of powerful shifting, the choice is ours, to move into Unity consciousness within ourselves and our lives, or not. Some simple steps can make all the difference:

o Recognize what you are still carrying from the past—what old resentment, anger, jealousy or fear have you still not said good-bye to? Just own it with no judgment. Feel the weight of it.
o Touch that part of yourself with compassion, knowing that it is all part of your human experience.
o Consciously put it down at a “higher altar.” You can actually create a simple altar with a candle and stones or gems. The point is, that you place these emotions from the past willingly on that altar, as an offering of your humanity,
o Open to the emptiness that you experience.
o Allow the light in.

Do this about your relationship, your business, your health, whatever needs to be cleared so that you can create the space for the feelings you truly desire, the life you deeply want.

A powerful tool to help you do so is the Grounded in the Light Series, Vol. 1 which takes you on a journey of re-unification with your Soul, unlike any other.

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