What Is Deep Healing?

Healing is a broad term, and we may be tempted to define emotional, physical, or spiritual healing—or even financial healing—in different ways.  Emotional healing may be defined as being free of negative emotional charge from the past, while financial healing may be defined as freedom from debt.  Physical healing may be the mending of a limb or the elimination of cancer. 

Seeing Beyond The Mists Of Illusion

As human beings we are a complex web of interconnection, an eternal unified field of consciousness. The simplest way to explain that is that we exist in a space in which the observer, the process of observation, and the observed, are all one.  We are not separate from all that we have created, and this realization can awaken us to the power we possess individually and as a collective to create a magnificent and desired future.

What Is A Conscious Relationship?

“You have that love inside of you, where you came from, where there are no problems, no movement, no bodies, where there is no necessity for separation because all is one…..Knowledge of that love is deep inside you, deep inside your body, underneath your self. You can only love anything to the degree that you have a knowledge of this original love within you; the love of being one and not being many.”

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