“Inspiration comes forth from within. It's what the light burning within you is about, as opposed to motivation, which is doing it because if you don't do it, there will be negative repercussions. Motivation is making myself do something that I don't really want to do. Inspiration is having the clear picture of what I am wanting — and letting Universal forces come into play to get the outcome.”— Abraham

By now, most people have been exposed to the Law of Attraction which uses the power of the mind to translate whatever is in our thoughts and materialize them into reality. This now mainstream thinking continues to be a mystery to most people, as they set sincere intentions and fail to follow through, giving credence to that saying, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”

When we set out for heaven and end up in hell, we can rest assured that there were unconscious counter intentions that created a vibration very different from the one we were conscious of. For example, no marriage that ends in a bitter divorce began that way, but rather, is born of high expectations that were not fulfilled. When we “fail” at something so important, it is a huge blow to our confidence and trust in ourselves. It is essential to take the time to dig deep and get to the root of the belief that took us off course.

A belief is a thought that you keep practicing.

Thought creates belief, and belief creates vibration. We get the results that match the vibration we carry inside.

We create through vibration, and it is your vibration that calls action from you. What we need is pure thought focused on our desire to create the vibration that we want to see manifested in outer reality.

The power of pure thought

If you can hold a simple thought or intention for 17 seconds, without contradicting it, another thought that is vibrationally like it will be attracted to it.

At precisely the 17-second point, these two thoughts will join one another and coalesce, and become a bigger and more evolved and faster vibrating thought. When that happens, energy is expended. It is like a combustion point, and energy or interest begins to bubble up in the person having the thought.

If you can stay focused on this topic that you have chosen for another 17 seconds, at the moment that you cross the 34-second mark, (2 times 17), another more evolved thought will be attracted to it and these two more evolved thoughts coalesce and there is another combustion point. At that point, these two thoughts become one, higher and faster in vibration.

If you can maintain you attention to that now more evolved thought, at the 51-second mark (3 times 17), there is yet another coalescing, another joining of thought and another combustion point.

If you can hold that more evolved thought for another 17 seconds, the same thing happens and when you cross the 68-second mark, you have a combustion big enough to affect physical manifestation.  Abraham says that 17 seconds of pure thought is equivalent to 2000 hours of action. If you can cross the 34-second mark, you can multiply your action by ten – equaling 20,000 action hours.

If you can cross the 51-second mark three times 17 you can multiply by ten again, a 200,000 action hour equivalent. If you can cross the 68-second mark – just over a minute of pure non-diluted thought — it is equivalent to over 2 million action hours.

This is a remarkable way to leverage thought, and yet, we are less able to do this than ever, as there are forces preventing people from having pure focused thought on the highest good—not the least of which is the addictive use of electronic devices that continuously distract.

According to Abraham, the average person begins contradicting their pure thought after eight seconds, which explains a lot. Understand that the reverse is also true—that when you hold a negative thought for longer than 68 seconds, you can see how it manifests in our reality and how it programs our DNA to think that is the way it is, encoding our psyche with limited vision. Thankfully we cannot maintain unobstructed focus on a negative thought very easily either. If your life isn’t what you want, then you are stronger in the ability to maintain what you don’t want. Just take a look.


Our negative thoughts are our counter intentions, which are part of our shadow. They are the fears we harbor inside, that the false self doesn’t want to face. There was a time of innocence when we did not have them. We are often not aware of them, but if we consciously name and face them, we take away the power they have over us, and we enter into a new state free from fear, returning us to the original state of innocence, this time with consciousness.

This alchemical work is based on the Universal Law of Polarity which states that everything can be separated into two completely opposite parts and that within each of them the other is contained. This is another way of speaking about wave-particle duality which is part of the plan of Creation. In other words, particles have the potentiality of waves, waves have the potentiality of particles, white has black, yin has yang, low exists with high, slow is also fast, elation exists with depression, kindness exists with cruelty, generosity exists alongside greed, and on and on it goes on planet Earth.

Physicists have observed in laboratories that when you collide a positively charged electron and also the electron’s anti-particle with a negatively charged particle, there is an explosion, both are annihilated, and out of that destruction gamma-ray photons—Light—is created! When positive and negative come together, they birth light, which is an expression of love. This happens in the Zero point field of the heart, which is the field of infinite potential, or what physicist David Bohm called the Implicate Order

Everything that is and ever will be is enfolded within the Implicate Order. There is a special cosmic movement that carries forth the process of enfoldment and unfoldment into the Explicate Order or material world. When we align our minds with this cosmic movement, allowing the universe to give us endless feedback to which we can respond with innocence, we open to endless possibility.

Mastering our emotions

When applied to your emotions, when you take a negative emotion and identify the equal and opposite positive emotion that co-exists alongside it, the negative emotion is annihilated and you open to love. This is something the mind can do! It wants to do something, so show it how to create an explosion of love in your heart.

If you stop and witness the feelings and thoughts associated with your counter intentions, such as doubt, anxiety, insecurity, etc., feeling and naming them and the story attached to them, you will very naturally begin to shift. By naming the feelings you activate the neo-cortex which is the thinking part of the brain, and there is this top down feedback loop that informs your limbic or emotional system as to what is being experienced. We acknowledge the fear or feelings of inadequacy or whatever other counter intentions are present, which lays the groundwork for compassion. We move back into the cave of the heart again.

In other words, for every reason that you feel sad, there is going to be a reason to also be happy, if you will allow it. Every time you allow yourself to fully feel an emotion, you create the equal experience of the opposite. This allowing perspective opens the doorway to seeing the world as it truly is, the play of opposites in the ever-jiggling dance of life. As you allow yourself to perceive both sides simultaneously, you open yourself to the divine perfection of the Universe whose purpose is equilibrium and synchronicity. The Universe begins to go to work on your behalf,

You don’t have to “get rid of” your fears before you move in the direction of your desire. Bring them along, and hold them alongside your deep longing, and before you know it, you will be marching in step with the rhythm of your own soul.

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