“Being grateful is choosing love.”

As I was about to write this message to all of you, I got up from the table where I had been sitting in pajamas with a dear friend and housemate, in this beautiful apartment on a cold November morning, the howl of the wind in the background, sacred music playing.

The thought was “What can I say about feeling grateful?” As I was about to leave the room, my awareness was captivated by the beauty of the space I live in with Patricia, a wise, skilled, nurturing, funny and deep woman, and I felt overflowing with a feeling I call “ grateful.”   I felt and still feel grateful.

A warm and strong feeling welled up inside me, very strong in my heart, and rose up to my throat.  I exclaimed, “Ohhhh.  Feeling grateful is everywhere.”

The opportunities to feel grateful abound.

Patricia asked what I was saying, and I told her that I was about to write about feeling grateful, and realized that the experience of feeling grateful was calling me.

I began to take photos of the moment, like a modern human attempting to capture the moment, and I felt joy, and more feeling of being grateful as we shared the moment.  I looked around at our living room, which was filled objects I perceived as pleasing in some way, and felt a feeling of delight.  As I received the fullness of the moment, I experienced the feeling of grateful.

To feel grateful I must fully receive the moment.

So I wanted to share this moment with all of you, my family, friends, clients, and brothers and sisters all over the world.  Thank you for all you are, all the ways you share your hearts and minds for the good of others, and for reading my messages of love and wisdom.

Along with you, I am grateful for the opportunity to do the work I do, for all the different people whose work allows me to live the free life I do.  I am grateful for the way the generation gap is being bridged my a shared consciousness of ONENESS, for the resurgence of psychedelics revolutionizing the field of mental health, for the increased loving awareness of diverse groups, such as transgendered people, and for the evolving awareness of food as medicine……. 

This and so much more fills my heart with that warm feeling that is part of a wave of acceptance and love and wisdom that I deeply know is the key to flourishing on this extraordinary planet.

When I take in all that I am being given by life, I feel grateful.

I am so so so grateful for our common Mother Earth, who never stops giving, no matter what we, her unruly children do.  I know if we more often experienced the feeling of being grateful, we would need to take from her less, and want to naturally give to her more.

Feeling grateful inspires me to give back.

Though this holiday of Thanksgiving continues to memorialize something very painful, I have a prayer that someday soon, someone with the consciousness and skill to do it orchestrates a grand awareness of the importance of being grateful, that does not have to do with a false story of Pilgrims and Indians, but rather, the truth of how much reparation we still must make.

In the meantime, I celebrate being grateful along with all those celebrating thanksgiving.  We share the common human quality of FEELING GRATEFUL, to remember who we are.

May we all experience moments of feeling grateful every day.

With deep love,


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