“This is how I would die into the love I have for you: as pieces of cloud dissolve in sunlight.”  ~Rumi

There are many planes of reality, from the physical Earth plane to higher dimensions where all is made of light. In this plane, matter does not exist as we know it here on Earth. One of the most beautiful aspects of the journey of becoming fully conscious is the meeting with your Beloved.

Many know the term “Beloved” from Rumi,who was a 13th century Persian poet, Islamic Dervish and Sufi Mystic.  His poetry is imbued with the seeking for truth and love, in the form of his deep longing for “the Beloved.”

As the story is told, Rumi came across a wandering holy man named Shams, in whose presence he was struck with some force that changed him forever.  Shams became his spiritual mentor, companion and inspiration, and they shared a deep and intimate connection.  There are questions as to whether they were physical lovers, but indeed, they were spiritual lovers, which created jealousies among Rumi’s followers. 

It is believed that Rumi’s son killed Shams, after which Rumi fell into a deep state of grief. It is out of that exquisite pain of loss and the realization that he is never truly separated from the great love he shared with Shams, that out-poured nearly 70,000 verses of poetry This is one example of the ecstatic nature of this love poetry: 

“You are the Essence of the Essence,
The intoxication of Love.
I long to sing Your Praises
but stand mute
with the agony of wishing in my heart !”
– Rumi, The Love Poems of Rumi

You may indeed be so utterly blessed as to already know your Beloved clothed in human form. Whether that is true for you or not, you can meet the essence of your Beloved on the soul plane, and it will change the way you love forever. You will know that you are never alone, never without love.

Some call this your twin flame, and others your anima if you are a man, or your animus if you are a woman.  In this non-dual realm of light, there is no need to wonder about that. Your Beloved is that aspect of you, who, when you are united, merges with the One, the All that Is.

This is a very powerful exercise that is best done listening to a recording, which I am gifting you below.  If you read through it a few times, you will be able to enter into this calm and connected state more easily.

You will use your inner eyes and imagination to perceive this light.

1. Focus on your breath, and as you take a deep and easy breath in, imagine that you are breathing in light. As you release your breath gently, imagine that you are sending out light into the world. Repeat this several times and feel yourself growing more relaxed with each breath.

2. Picture your spine as a hollow rod that holds light, and call the light to you, filling the rod with light until you have created a pillar of light inside your body that radiates out into an area around your body, forming a cocoon of light all around you.

3. To allow the realization of the full magnificence of the soul plane, your emotions must become still and calm. To calm your emotions, breathe calmly and think of the rays of light touching the vibrating particles of your emotional body, slowing them down. Any worries, fears, or concerns that you have are now being touched by light and are becoming quiet and soothed.

4. Your mental state must also be clear and fluid. Breathe in light, watching the flow of thoughts that continuously passes through your mind. Picture any thoughts you want to release now leaving on the outbreath. Old and limiting thoughts carry a dense energy, which is now being carried away by the light as you breathe out.

If any limiting thoughts persist, draw light into them and surround each thought with so much light that the thoughts themselves turn to light. Send these transformed thoughts out into the world with each outbreath. As you turn any thoughts that come into your mind into light, your mind becomes clear as a mountain lake reflecting the sun like a mirror.

5. As you hold the light in your consciousness, it is continuously becoming a more beautiful and perfect light. As you become more aware of this, you too become a more beautiful and perfect light. Your own inner light is becoming more balanced and radiant, and you are fulfilling your life’s purpose in this moment, which is to realize your own perfect light.

6. At the same time that you are experiencing this perfect light, you feel yourself grounded in a physical body infused with this light. You begin to sense a very familiar energy, a Presence of profound splendor, and every particle of your being opens into immense spaciousness and receptivity, laden with love.

Eventually the Presence begins to take on a form that you recognize with the eyes of your heart. Feel the Love that is beyond words, and open even more.

7. Be with . . . this Presence . . . that is both you and not you, and inextricably woven into the fabric of who you are.

Bask in the light of this Beloved of your own soul. Offer your love and feel the powerful connection you have with your Beloved.

Experience a sense of being cherished as you never have before. Become aware of how naturally you are extending cherishing energy toward your Beloved.

Stand before each other, breathing the same air, breath to breath.

Allow the transmission in the exquisite and pure space between you.

8. Listen to the message your Beloved has for you in this moment. Listen with your heart and allow what is being said to land gently and firmly inside. Listen to what your Beloved has to say to you about your true purpose for being on Earth.

Let yourself drink in this moment.

9. Now, in total awareness of the power of this moment, step toward your Beloved as he steps toward you and you join in Sacred Union, becoming one.

I created this recording that you can listen to over and over.  Just click here:    Meeting Your Beloved:  Seeing With The Eyes Of The Heart

May we learn to see with the eyes of the heart, and know the  power and beauty of a deep inner communion.

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