When I Remember That I Am Love

When I read such inspiring words, I find the strength to continue to choose love and the continuous presence that love asks of me.  Some days it simply isn’t easy, and I have learned to take the quiet moment to open a cherished book, or pull an oracle card from the many decks I’ve accumulated over the years. 

Who Is The Goddess?

As a couple’s therapist, I have seen the destructive ravages of women unsconsciously wielding excessive Kali energy in their relationships and with their children.   The operative word when working with such powerful energies is “conscious”—is the energy being expressed conscious or not?  The powerful Kali is not only deeply transformative, but extraordinarily loving, and able to bring an end to things that need to be destroyed for the sake of evolution. In her book, Awakening to Kali: The Goddess of Radical Transformation , Sally Kempton says “Whether Kali seems terrifying, fascinating, or loving depends on our state of consciousness and our level of both emotional and spiritual development. But she always invites us to a radical form ego-transcendence.”

Why Bother?

“Still and all, why bother? Here's my answer. Many people need desperately to receive this message: I feel and think much as you do, care about many of the things you care about, although most people do not care about them. You are not alone.” ~Kurt Vonnegut How “why...

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