I am in the home stretch with many things, but wanted to stay connected. This reinvention has a life of its own, to which I am connected, thank heavens!

Some of you may have noticed a “speeding up” of things lately, and numerous glitches around technology and time, as we face Mercury Retrograde once again.

This of course leads to frustration, which brings out the worst in all of us.

Adaptability is the key, and the willingness to surrender what we thought we would have completed, and look at what is actually happening.

Point taken! I had hoped to have my new site all ready to go by now, but I need a bit more time. Twice in the past 2 days, I went to film a video, and my camera simply would not work. So I have sent you a video of my having a blissful time a few weeks ago, across from my parents’ home in Nahant, MA. You will see me doing one of my favorite activities, and getting back in my body after working at the computer all day. This is the real me!


Spring is here. It is time to get out and move our bodies and shake off the winter, and anything else that does not serve you and your truest self. I suggest buying a weighted hoola hoop and shaking your booty!!

Give yourself the gift of viewing this video, by Dr. Brene Brown, whose Ted talk last year on vulnerability was so well received and so profound. In this video, in which she shares about the shame and sense of nakedness she felt after doing the Ted Talk, she once again reaches deep into the collective psyche and speaks the truth we all know.

As she says, “Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change. “ If that is true, and I believe it is, then why vulnerability had gotten such a bad rap all these years, and become associated with weakness? Why does something so powerful and human lead to feelings of shame? Why is it virtually taboo in corporate America, the last stronghold of he Patriarchy? Why is it so hard to see the underbelly of another?

In truth, when someone is truly vulnerable, it is a natural mammalian response to be sympathetic and tender. Even animals respond that way, due to mirror neurons that create limbic resonance between mammals, when they are not in survival mode.

If you are overwhelmed and stretched beyond your capacity to remain a resonant human, vulnerability in another will mirror back to you something you don’t want to deal with. Thus the judgment, the condemnation, the exclusion!!

I say take vulnerability back as a form communication that is borne of courage, and the desire for connection!!! Not just women, but all of us! We all have tender hearts, and we all know the ravages of shame. Embracing vulnerability eradicates shame!

In business right now, vulnerability is being used by many people to market their goods. Yes, that is true! I recently saw a video where a business coach was telling her story about horrible beatings by her father, while smiling and appearing very very disconnected from her experience. It touched me however, since I saw another kind of vulnerability in her—the vulnerability of someone very much wanting to be authentic, yet still dissociated from her own experience on an emotional level.

We all carry around the layers of vulnerability inside. The key is to transform that great human stuff into our strengths.

If you are feeling ready to do that in your life or business, get in touch. I am offering a limited number of breakthrough discovery sessions to those who are ready to peel away the layers and step into a new kind of power.

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