“Daring to dream what is deepest in our collective longings is what makes us most human and fully alive.”
Wendy Wright

There is an abundance of messaging and marketing these days about the Divine Feminine, and how women are leading the way in new business and as true leaders in every aspect of our world. Yes, it is happening, and books, conferences, programs, art—-creations of every kind are being manifested to celebrate this profound shift of power on the planet. 

What is at the heart of this transformation is the fact that our relationship to authority is shifting from outside us to inside….to our own inner authority. We are beginning to shine our own light of consciousness onto the so-called “problems” of our world and seeing them as challenges that must be met with fierce courage and devout determination. In Waking the Global Heart, Anodea Judith Ph.D. states, “It is not enough to bandage the wounds. WE have to stand up and address the slaughter.”

As I write in Insider Secrets to Turning On Your Light in Business and Life: “A common anthropological characteristic of every advanced mammalian species that survives and thrives is the fierce behavior of the adult female when she senses a threat to her cubs. Our relative complacency while 21,000 children on our planet starve to death every day — one every five seconds — indicates a lack of positive intention, on the part of our species, literally to survive. The power we hold as western women is unmatched anywhere in the world, and our failure to use that power as effectively as we might on behalf of those who need us the most is a situation now ripe for change.”

So what does all this look like in practical terms? I see 5 main ingredients to this phenomenal re-structuring of our world via the power and love of the Divine Feminine manifesting through women and many awakened men:

1. Commitment—nothing happens without it. You can’t keep talking about “some day,” if you feel the call now. What are you so angry and/or sad about, depending upon how your emotions express? For some of you, it is 100% clear, and you already know your mission—and for others, you only know that something breaks your heart. From that place of your heart breaking, the light of your soul emanates—and you must make a full-on unstoppable commitment to do something about it. You don’t need to know how, only that you are committed.

2. Courage—means “to take heart.” Face the inevitable doubts and fears that arise when you commit. We are all commitment phobic in some way—afraid of being hurt, failure, humiliation. Courage is needed to face all the demons that arise, from within and without.

3. Creativity—we need new ideas and new solutions, not more of the same.  Dare to innovate and think as if there is not box in the first place. Fire up the Passion.

Passionate Action is a marriage of WILL and GRACE. You must activate your Will if you want to dance with Grace, who opens the allowing space in which your Desires manifest.  Will is the active masculine expression, and Grace the receptive feminine radiance of the Divine.   It is the real secret to the Law of Attraction, where you activate your will to move toward what you desire, and unleash the powers of creation to manifest the success and abundance to fulfill your mission. Grace responds to Will!

4. Compassion—Not enough can be said about this powerful force, but the master says it in few words: “If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.”Dalai Lama XIV and The Art of Happiness

I say it starts with ourselves.

5. Collaboration—this is the really juicy part that women are naturals at, as long as they can leave out the remnants of the inner Patriarchy which show themselves as competition and the “mean girl syndrome.”

This is where women see what needs to be done and help each other do it and then figure out how to help other women.

Today, speaking with a client of mine, Martha, who has all these qualities, she was opening to the possibility of collaborating with a childbirth educator to offer comprehensive packages and programs to help expecting mothers connect on a soul level to their infants. This would be in addition to all the physical and emotional care and nurturing that mothers need to have in order to experience birth and motherhood as the miracle that it is, rather than the quick business it has become, with unnecessary procedures and the in and out approach.

Forget the insurance companies and western medical concessions. Women know what women need when it comes to birth and babies. In fact, women know a lot more than they have given themselves credit for….until now.

The Goddess is alive and well, and she sometimes needs a nudge, but once she gets going……..all heaven breaks loose! Here’s to every woman waking up in time, turning on her Light!

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