The Goddess Has Spoken

Not only has the Goddess spoken, but all her various aspects have spoken as well….the Goddess of death and destruction, the Goddess of goodness and love, the Goddess of fertility and abundance, the Goddess of wisdom, the Goddess of food and healing, the Goddess of dance and song. And the Goddess of power and revolution is beginning to rise. Yes, the force of the Divine Feminine has encompassed planet Earth.

Be Bold In Your Love

This is a great turning point—the vibrational shifting of the ages where we transcend death and destruction and learn how to be bold in our love. 

I have been taking about a New World based on kindness and truth for a long time, and we have arrived.  There has certainly been a great leaning toward more kindness, as humanity realizes its essential ONENESS during this chaotic time. 

What Is A Conscious Relationship?

“You have that love inside of you, where you came from, where there are no problems, no movement, no bodies, where there is no necessity for separation because all is one…..Knowledge of that love is deep inside you, deep inside your body, underneath your self. You can only love anything to the degree that you have a knowledge of this original love within you; the love of being one and not being many.”

Listen To Your Inner Voice Of Wisdom As The Most Powerful Authority

I recently met a young woman who is working on three farms and has a five-year plan to buy her own.  She had been working as an executive in a video production company that devoured her time and had her constantly plugged into voicemail, email, texting, and always rushing from one thing to the next. When I asked what inspired her to completely revamp her life, she shared a poignant story.

Desire, Decision and Dedication

A vision arises out of deep desire.  Desire has its roots the word de sidere which means “from the stars,” and indeed it has been proven that “we are stardust,” as Joni Mitchell famously sang in “Woodstock” Everything we are and everything in the universe and on Earth originated from stardust, and it continually floats through us even today. It directly connects us to the universe, rebuilding our bodies over and again over our lifetimes.

Why Connecting To Spirit Is Good For You And The World

When our souls become disconnected from Spirit, we can go into a depression, become anxious, confused, and unkind toward ourselves or others.  We may lack a sense of meaning or purpose, and become indifferent, or numb. Others who grab for substitutes may become addicted, greedy, or even go insane. 

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