“The eyes of the future are looking back at us and they are praying for us to see beyond our own time.  They are kneeling with hands clasped that we might act with restraint, that we might leave room for the life that is destined to come.” –Terry Tempest Williams.

The eyes of the future

I recently met a young woman who is working on three farms and has a five-year plan to buy her own.  She had been working as an executive in a video production company that devoured her time and had her constantly plugged into voicemail, email, texting, and always rushing from one thing to the next. When I asked what inspired her to completely revamp her life, she shared a poignant story.

There was this big production and her dog was very sick.  This dog was the love of her life, as she had sacrificed a marriage for the sake of “success.”  That morning he was barely moving and in pain, and she said, “I avoided doing something I would have regretted my whole life, but just barely.  I almost put going to work over being with Buddy.  He died in my arms that day, and the fact that I had questioned making the decision to be with him really put in my face how off my priorities were.  I gave notice two weeks later.”

The eyes of the future are connected to the inner voice of wisdom, and belong to those who are willing to become fully present regardless of what is happening all around.  We need to listen to that voice more than ever in our lives now, as we can never really know the truth of what we are being told in the news, and we are being “governed” by leaders who don’t appear to be looking with the eyes of the future. 

Everything is happening simultaneously

Each of us who is awake enough to read this could take a moment and ponder this. The present moment is a series of NOWS. Isaac Newton thought of time as a river flowing everywhere at the same rate, and Einstein evolved his view on time by unifying space and time into a single 4-D entity. Julian Barbour, British physicist and major proponent of the idea of timeless physics, has declared the solution to the problem of time in physics and cosmology as simply, “there’s no such thing as time.”

Barbour says that we are continually moving through a succession of Nows, and each configuration is an arrangement of all that is in the Universe. “Many different things coexisting at once. There are simply the Nows, nothing more, nothing less,” says Barbour. There is no past and no future. The illusion of time passing comes from change. We observe changes and we decide that time has passed, when in truth, all the moments are happening now.

Since some of the Nows are linked to others, there can be the illusion of the passing of time and a story of cause and effect, when in Barbour’s reality, they all exist simultaneously.

Being fully in the present moment

To listen to the inner voice of wisdom, you must be fully in the now, or what is called the present moment. Each present moment is pregnant with what we call the past, present and future, so when you are present to the moment, you are present to your full power. 

A wise spiritual teacher I once had, Zoe Marae, said, “The ‘moment’ brings time and space together. It is the only ‘place’ that energy can be raised since it is the only place you can shift from a low vibration to a higher one. The moment creates attention on the root flow or inner experience of an outer attraction. It is in the moment we become aware. Awareness is the goal of the moment and of life.”

In other words, pay attention to what you are feeling in the moment. It informs you what to do next, and is another way the inner voice of wisdom expresses itself, no matter what is going on in the chaotic world around you.

The rate of change

It’s said that the rate of change today is the slowest you will ever experience.  Think of that—it only gets faster moment by moment, particularly due to the rate of change of technology. 

If you read science fiction or futurism, you may have heard the term “singularity” to describe the world of tomorrow. Science fiction writer Vernor Vinge popularized the idea of the “singularity” in his 1993 essay “Technological Singularity.” He described it as a point where our old models must be discarded because the rate of change has become so quickened that the old rules and its technologies are no longer comprehensive to previous generations.

Futurists believe the singularity will be activated by extremely rapid technological and scientific changes that will be so fast, and so profound, that every aspect of our society will be transformed, from our bodies and families to our governments and economies.

Google’s Director of Engineering and well-known futurist, Ray Kurzweil, predicts that he technological singularity will happen by 2045. Kurzweil defines this as that point in time when all the advances in technology, particularly in artificial intelligence (AI), will lead to machines that are smarter than human beings. 

This is considered a point-of-no-return for humanity, and has many of the world’s science and technology bigwigs very concerned.  This sentiment of fear pervades the world today, from those involved with climate change to the everyday person who is moving at a pace that most agree is not sustainable, unless we learn to listen to the inner voice of wisdom.

The speed of love

Kurzweil sees the singularity is an opportunity for humankind to improve and envisions the same technology that will make AIs more intelligent giving human beings countless benefits.

“Ultimately, it will affect everything,” Kurzweil said during the SXSW. “We’re going to be able to meet the physical needs of all humans. We’re going to expand our minds and exemplify these artistic qualities that we value. We’re going to get more neocortex, we’re going to be funnier, we’re going to be better at music. We’re going to be sexier,” Kurzweil said during the SXSW interview. “We’re really going to exemplify all the things that we value in humans to a greater degree.”

Whether you believe Kurzweil or not, whose predictions thus far have been 86% accurate, this way of thinking can only be true if each of us learns to listen to the inner voice of wisdom as we co-create with technology.  While some people are enamored with technology, others bemoan its negative impact on the happiness quotient.  More people than ever are stressed and stretched to the max, and the use of anti-depressants and anxiety medication has sky-rocketed in recent years. 

It seems most people are overwhelmed with more to do than ever, even though machines have already taken over giving us directions and just about every aspect of communication—other than heart to heart. There are aspects of being human that can never be fully replicated by a machine, because they are intrinsic to humanity.  We have hearts that move at the speed of love, a pace that requires presence and connection. 

When we connect to the inner voice of wisdom that is connected to the high human heart, or what is called the Sacred Heart, we can drop the fear of the future. No machine can replace this precious part of us, and we can be assured that life is unfolding at the speed of love. This is the speed that we can sustain as we leave room for the life that is destined to come. 

The Sacred Heart

The Sacred Heart exists in another and much higher dimension, and is called the Three-fold Heart, as it is made from the three-fold flames of gold, pink, and blue light. The pure Divine Feminine ray which relates to our right brain and heart is crystalline pink, possessing the qualities of unconditional Divine Love, compassion, and reverence for all life, and signifies the essence of our true self.  The pure Divine Masculine ray of energy (relating to our left brain, throat and heart) is sapphire blue and relates to the power, will, and inner resolve to set the course for one’s life, or true north.

When the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine rays of energy are unified and balanced within us, the consciousness of the gold ray is awakened. The gold flame embodies wisdom and illumination, the ability to discriminate and use the gifts we have been given use the gifts we have been given on the path of our true calling.

When all three flames are balanced within us, love, power and wisdom reign in a person’s life.  This wisdom cannot be artificially created, and is far and beyond intelligence as we know it. 

Listening to the inner voice of wisdom as a multidimensional being

We live in a series of NOWS with this unparalleled gift of a higher dimension heart that is constantly sending us wisdom and guidance. It is natural for us to live at the speed of love, which requires connection and presence. This allows us to be free from conflict as we can be reassured that we are in the perfect right moment at the right time.  

When we continuously cultivate these realizations, we transcend the negative bias of the human brain to live in survival, always feeling as if there is not enough. We acquire the wisdom that our multidimensional nature is made for, and we are no longer subject to the false gods of fads, marketing and political sleights of hand. We live more attuned to the inner voice of wisdom as the most powerful authority in our lives.

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