Baptism By Love

When I was zooming with a friend the other day, I told her I had begun to birth a poem—but that I had to get ready after our visit and see clients, and would get back to the birthing later.  She laughed and said, it is just like being at that part of labor where...

Be Bold In Your Love

This is a great turning point—the vibrational shifting of the ages where we transcend death and destruction and learn how to be bold in our love. 

I have been taking about a New World based on kindness and truth for a long time, and we have arrived.  There has certainly been a great leaning toward more kindness, as humanity realizes its essential ONENESS during this chaotic time. 

Compassion Or Co-dependence? From A Chakra Perspective

“The capacity to experience true compassion is evolutionary, and can move you to do remarkable acts of kindness and generosity without getting burnt out. It often takes many decades to arrive at that dynamic balance of meeting your own needs and the needs of others.” 

You Are Loved, Just For Existing

What is this powerful love that doesn’t require us to do anything, or be anything other than who we are, in all our messy glory?   The closest thing on earth would be a mother’s love of her child, and it is a love some have had, and others not, but that we all both need and long for.  It is the gift of deep acceptance for who we are.

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