Breaking The Trance Of Evil

I recently reread some of Paul Levy’s penetrating teaching on how to break the trance of evil,  In his book Dispelling Wetiko: Breaking the Curse of Evil, Levy shows us that within the very force that can destroy us lies the hope of what can save our world at this time.  Levy describes wetiko as a non-local, transcendental force that cannot be adequately expressed in language, because it is not a thing. The abstract nature of the English language fails to account for such dynamic forces as wetiko that affect us all the time yet are not visible or measurable.

When I Remember That I Am Love

When I read such inspiring words, I find the strength to continue to choose love and the continuous presence that love asks of me.  Some days it simply isn’t easy, and I have learned to take the quiet moment to open a cherished book, or pull an oracle card from the many decks I’ve accumulated over the years. 

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